Is Magneto Really a Villain?: (Still not) A Review of X-Men: Days of Future Past

“I wear red, the color of blood, in tribute to their lost lives. And the harder I try to cast it aside, to find the gentler path, the more irresistibly I am drawn back. I should have died myself with those that I loved. Instead I carted the bodies by the hundreds, by the thousands, from the death house to the crematorium, and the ashes to the burial ground. Asking myself now what I could not then—Why was I spared?” ~ Magneto (Uncanny X-Men #274)

“You built these weapons to destroy us. Why? Because you are afraid of our gifts. Because we are different. Humanity has always feared that which is different.“-Magneto, DOFP


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Book Review #1: The She-Hulk Diaries


The She-Hulk Diaries, written by Marta Acosta, is a stand-alone novel set in the Marvel Comics universe. The novel primarily focuses on the She-Hulk herself, Jennifer Walters, and her adventures as a superhero. It also focuses on the struggles she faces as a result of being the She-Hulk, such as the inability to find apartments willing to house someone who could tear down a wall just by tapping it lightly.

Aside from the obvious action & adventure, the novel contains elements of humor, mild horror, and mystery. The book ends with a twist so shocking you’ll want to go back and search the book for foreshadowing (it’s well hidden). The books pacing is perfect, and combined with its unique humor you will be laughing in your seat, unable to put the book down.

The novel does an outstanding job of fleshing out the character of Jennifer Walters, and provides a great introduction for those who may be unfamiliar with the character. This book is a must-read for any fans of She-Hulk, and anyone who wants to become a fan.

Good night