My Favorite Movies- And Why

As anyone who has read my About page (or who’s visited this blog before) knows, I have a few (a lot) favorite movies. Today, I will explain just why I love each of these movies so much.

Without further ado, the movies, in alphabetical order;


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A Long-Awaited Review: Days of Future Past

Magneto: To my mutant brothers and sisters out there, I say this. No more hiding. No more suffering. You have lived in the shadows of shame and fear for too long. Come out. Join me. Fight together in a brotherhood of our kind, a new tomorrow that starts today.

Charles Xavier: The past: a new and uncertain world. A world of endless possibilities and infinite outcomes. Countless choices define our fate: each choice, each moment, a moment in the ripple of time. Enough ripple, and you change the tide… for the future is never truly set. 


Clockwise from top left: Mystique, Wolverine, Professor X, Professor X again, Colossus, Blink, Iceman, Magneto, also Magneto, Beast, Storm.

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A Study of Tone: X-Men vs. the MCU

“Sir! I’m gonna have to ask you to exit the doughnut!”- S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury (MCU)

“Does it ever wake you in the middle of the night? The feeling that one day they will pass that foolish law or one just like it, and come for you? And your children?” – Brotherhood of Mutants leader Erik Lehnsherr (X-Men)


Together we’ve looked at the humor of the MCU, and read some of Marvel’s darker comics; now we will study the tonal dissonance between Marvel Studio’s MCU, and Fox Studio’s X-Men franchise, and learn why the two franchises have such different personalities.

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