My Favorite Movies- And Why

As anyone who has read my About page (or who’s visited this blog before) knows, I have a few (a lot) favorite movies. Today, I will explain just why I love each of these movies so much.

Without further ado, the movies, in alphabetical order;


Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014). I like this one mainly because of Black Widow and the Winter Soldier. I liked both characters prior to TWS, but TWS expanded upon both of their characterizations. Also, I find it kind of amusing that the title essentially translates to Steve: Bucky.


Die Welle (2008). With this one it’s not so much the movie itself I enjoy, although it is good, but more the memories of watching it as a group in Deutsch Klasse. If you’ve never seen the movie it’s hard to explain, so I’m going to link you to it’s page.


Inglourious Basterds (2009). You all have seen my soon-to-be-revised review of this movie. Inglourious Basterds has three of the things I like most in a movie: Michael Fassbender, moral ambiguity, and Nazis being punished. Lethaly. This one we also watched in class, though I had previously seen it several times before. (Beste klassse.) Now it’s also a favourite of most of the class, as are the characters of Shosanna and Donnie.


Less Than Zero (1987). Based on the book of the same name, this Robert Downey Jr. movie is, er, well. I really cannot say why I enjoy this film, other than the fact that it stars Robert Downey Jr, and has a nice soundtrack.


Lucy (2014). This movie, starring Scarlet Johansson as the eponymous Lucy, is funny, intriguing, and action-filled. It also contains one of the coolest non-Tarantino endings that I’ve ever seen.


Penguins of Madagascar (2014). I know this probably seems fairly out of place on this list, especially considering the two movies it comes between, but this movie is adorably cute. It’s surprisingly funny, and I’m unsure how, with some of the jokes, it got away with a PG rating. Also, if this movie starred real people instead of cartoon penguins, it would be one of the best action/horror movies to exist.


Pulp Fiction (1994). You all know of my love for Quentin Tarantino’s films, and everything that goes along with them, so it should not be a surprise to see this movie on this list. Pulp Fiction is hilarious, fast-paced, and stars Samuel L. Jackson. How could someone not love it?


Some Like It Hot (1959). Some Like It Hot is so amusing that it landed a spot on several funniest movie lists, usually at or very close to number one. My personal favourite part is the very last scene, on the boat. Specifically the very last line. This movie is definately a must-watch.


Top Gun (1986). Tom Cruise, airplane fights, and 80’s music? I don’t think there’s any possible way to make a better film.


Pet Sematary (1989). Oh, wait, yes there is. Stephen King, zombie cats, and 80’s music.


X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014). As you all know, I’m a big fan of Magneto, so this movie- especially the final scene with future Magneto- is a favourite of mine. However, not as big a favorite as:


X-Men: First Class (2011). My all-time favourite movie. It starts strong with Erik hunting down Nazi bankers in Argentina, and only gets better from there. Also, Erik and Charles have one of the most interesting friendships on film. Though I have to say, regarding the ending, “why, Erik, why?”

As you can see, I definitely have a type. I hope you enjoy these movies,

Gute nacht,



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